Psychedelic Integration Therapy


What is Psychedelic Integration?

Psychedelic experiences have the potential to occasion both positive and difficult impressions on the individual. Although psychedelics can be valuable tools for growth and healing, the experiences produced can often be complex. The vast range of effects that psychedelics like psilocybin (magic mushrooms), LSD (acid), ayahuasca/DMT, MDMA (ecstasy), ketamine, and others, can produce leaves some people to figure out how best to integrate these experiences into their day-to-day lives. 

Difficult New Insights

Non-ordinary states of consciousness, such as those occasioned by psychedelics, can be difficult. Sometimes trauma memories can come to the surface, and a challenging experience may require additional work in order to help integrate the experience into one’s path going forward. Psychedelic Integration provides support and guidance to those in need of processing psychedelic experiences in order to gain new insight and integrate the information received into their self concept, relationships, spirituality, and sense of their place in the world. Psychedelic Integration is available to clients who have experienced the effects of psychedelics in clinical trials, clinics providing these services, naturalistic settings, and ceremonial/spiritual retreats. 

Finding Your Way Back

Psychedelic Integration does not include the administration of psychedelic medicines but it does involve helping you make sense of the experience and with helping with merging the new insights and experiences into your day-to-day life. Psychedelic Integration should not be viewed as an endorsement of using such substances, as they remain illegal at the federal level in the United States, but rather as a way for to help people through experiences that have left them with more questions than answers. 


What can I expect during my first appointment?

Integration therapy helps to facilitate the lasting personal, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive changes that can arise following a psychedelic experience. This integration process begins in our first appointment when we will take time to get to know one another, building a foundation for the work that we will do together. You can expect to be asked questions about your past, history with emotional and mental health experiences, your psychedelic experience(s), past relationships, family dynamics, your values and personal strengths, and other elements of your life that may be relevant for integration work. It is during this first appointment that I will also answer any questions that you have about me and about integration therapy. From there we can decide together how best to proceed.

Service Options

In-Person Integration Therapy

First Appointment (80 Minutes): $300
Follow Up Appointment (50 Minutes): $200

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